
This small room holds more

Life than I can understand.


Her body rumbles.

An odd sibilance

fills my ears with drones

and soon to come death.


Not sleep. Not coma.

Surely not life.


A pall spreads within

my heart’s chambers

As I know she is not

long for this world.


You sleep on a cot

your breath even

though sometimes you snore,

mimic her rattle and hum.


For a moment you, her child,

breathe in unison with her.

Your life in communion

with hers as it was when you

were born fifty nine years ago.


Bereft, I alone witness

your corporeal union

Just as I alone witness it’s

cessation at her last breath.

For Maureen, who left us on Saturday, May 17. Thank you for your life, and your son who is my love.